Workshop from LAMSYSTEMS specialists

The third Educational Conference for Technical Assistants in the Life Sciences took place on March 5, 2016 in one of the biggest biotechnological parks in Germany, Campus Berlin-Buch.
75 participants from all over the Germany attended the event. Workshops and reports were offered by the various laboratories and institutions from the life science field. Specialists of LAMSYSTEMS GmbH prepared a workshop “When is the Safety Cabinet Really Safe?” during which they performed visualization of the active airflows in the work chamber of the microbiological safety cabinet class II Neoteric.
Company’s know-how pull out UV unit and the aspects of UV disinfection were of a special interest. Participants showed keen interest in the LAMSYSTEMS products and highly praised convenience and ergonomics of the Neoteric’s design. Many participants agreed for further meeting at the Anlaytica exhibition in Munich where LAMSYSTEMS will introduce a new product Microbiological Safety Cabinet class II with reduced noise level of 48 dB in the operating cabinet.