Analytica 2016: outcomes

For the second time LAMSYSTEMS participated in the international fair for laboratory technology and biotechnology «Analytica-2016» (Munich, Germany).
The company showcased three microbiological safety cabinets class II of the LAMSYSTEMS brand:
- Neoteric is an energy efficient cabinet with low heat emission. It has a unique pull-out UV unit construction, audible-visible alarm system, optic sensors for front sash and UV unit positioning, TUV NORD quality certificate.
During all four days of the exhibition the cabinet’s work chamber with a steam generator installed in it was used for visualization of the air down flow. Visitors had a chance to see for themselves the uniformity and direction of the laminar airflow guaranteeing operator’s safety and cross-contamination protection inside the cabinet’s operational area.
Within the framework of the commercial campaign “Protection as Unconditioned Reflex” based on the similarities of natural animal protection mechanisms with protective features of the equipment, biosafety cabinet Neoteric was colored in a non-standard way simulating tiger’s coat pattern. It definitely got visitors’ attention with positive emotions .
- Savvy is a new generation of the microbiological safety cabinets that inherited all the advantages of the previous model line Neoteric. A set of constructive and layout solutions have drastically improved exploitational characteristics of the new cabinet. Using three fans has caused a drop in the sound noise level below 47 dBA.
Implementation of the sensored touch screen allowed more informative depiction of the cabinet’s operational modes, simplified cabinet’s controls and provided more service and operation information to the user.
Model Savvy was introduced in two 1.2 and 1.8 meters dimension-types. Production quality, original constructive solutions and exploitation convenience of the LAMSYSTEMS equipment were highly praised by the visitors. It was proved by fact that both cabinets found its buyers right at the exhibition.