Company News
11 april 2014
Results of Analytica- 2014 in Munich
The Analytica exposition that was held in Munich on April 1-4, 2014 is not the first European exposition where specialists of LAMSYSTEMS have participated.
1 april 2014
The first day of Analytica exhibition 2014
The Analytica is started. The first visitors are familiarizing with equipment produced by LAMSYSTEMS
11 march 2014
LAMSYSTEMS СС is happy to invite you to their stand during the 24th International Trade Fair Analytica for Laboratory Technology, Analysis, Biotechnology and analytica Conference.
15 october 2013
LAMSYSTEMS CC specialists participated in an international exhibition Biotechnica 2013 which was held in Hannover on October 8-10, 2013.
20 september 2013
LAMSYSTEMS CC is going to participate in the international exhibition Biotechnica 2013, which will be held in Hannover on October 8-10, 2013.
12 december 2012
It is already a tradition that LAMSYSTEMS CC is going to participate in the annual international exhibition Zdravookhraneniye-2012 held in Moscow on December 3-7, 2012.
22 november 2012
LAMSYSTEMS CC specialists participated in the 44th international exhibition Medica as a part of the unified national Russian exposition in Duesseldorf on November 14-17, 2012.
6 november 2012
LAMSYSTEMS CC participates in specialized exhibitions, forums and seminars every year.
10 october 2012
Results of Interlabdiagnostika-2012 exhibition
LAMSYSTEMS СС has participated in a specialized exhibition Interlabdiagnostika 2012 within a framework of XVI Forum “National Days of Russian Laboratory Medicine 2012”.