Pharmtech & Ingredients 2024. Exhibition Results.

According to the organizers, a record of 10345 people has visited the exhibition this year. 570 companies from 13 countries – Russia, Belarus, China, India, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Hungary, UAE and others – have exhibited their products and technologies in three exhibition halls.
Pharmtech & Ingredients 2024 is sure to be remembered by its visitors and participants with its business program that included 14 specialized events: from modern technology impact on the pharmaceuticals production and API raw material import independence to current issues of development of the dietary supplement and veterinary drug market.
At its booth, LAMSYSTEMS group has introduced a wide range of products and personal protection equipment including aseptic work isolators, sampling cabinets, an ISO Class 5 clean zone, clean room apparel, an isolating suit and a pneumatic hood for work with APIs.
An aseptic work isolator, that is a leak-tight cabinet with a pass box and glove ports, was designed specifically for pharmaceutics and is equipped with the following:
- a built-in hydrogen peroxide vapor disinfection system,
- a safe waste removal system with bag out chamber and continuous PVC-liner,
- a work chamber WIP system,
- a built-in quick leak-tightness testing system for work chamber,
- a self-contained glove integrity testing kit,
- a pneumatic sealing of the front window and pass box doors,
as well as with sockets, quick-removal ports, work chamber shelves etc.
A flexible isolator, another exhibition device, ensures operator and environment protection during work with hazardous materials as well as product protection from external contamination. The isolator was designed for work with active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) and is featured with safe waste removal system via a continuous liner.
A mobile sampling cabinet with glove ports and folding ramp for work chamber loading was introduced to the pharmaceutical community for the first time. Ensuring the ISO 5 cleanliness class in the work chamber with laminar downflow, the cabinet can be used in unclassifiable rooms like warehouses when aseptic environment for work with APIs is required.
For protection of the personnel working with active pharmaceutical ingredients, an isolating suit and a forced air supply hood made of flexible polymer resistant to various kinds of disinfection were designed and exhibited at the booth. Additionally, innovative clean room apparel ensuring personnel and product protection was demonstrated at the exhibition.
of ISO Class 5 with combined enclosures (metal, tempered glass, PVC strips) found its buyer during the exhibition. It became a nice surprise and another confirmation of LAMSYSTEMS brand being demanded and well known to pharmaceutics specialists.
Demand research is commonly important task of any exhibition. This exhibition was not an exception. Our company specialists have presented a new product: a mobile self-contained station for freeze dryer loading/unloading. Thanks to filtered laminar airflow, the station reduces the risk of external airborne and cross contamination of pre-sealed vial trays being transported from the filling line to the freeze dryer. The product functioning and configuration discussion with the representatives of the pharmaceutical production industry has shown that the station is currently well demanded.
Booth visitors have pointed out the high quality of LAMSYSTEMS products, our flexible approach to customized design as well as professional work of our sales team and technical specialists. Each exhibition day was filled with pre-planned meetings, constructive discussion of technical issues and prospective projects as well as with pleasant communication to pharmaceutics professionals.
LAMSYSTEMS team would like to thank the exhibition organizers for the excellent event planning.
We will be glad to see you next year, the anniversary one for our company!